Jake Blatchly is the lead singer in White Devil Detroit an Australian hard rock band. A great frontman inspired by Bon Scott and Dee Snider, he's a funny bloke with the wit and wordplay that keeps you laughing. From Aleister Crowley to synchromatic orgasms, Jake is an open book. Hey Jake, thanks so much how the fuck are ya? Hey Andy! No wuckin’ forries at all mate! I’m feeling pretty opti-mystic and well rested! How are you? When did you decide you wanted to be a singer in a rock n roll band? In the beginning I didn’t really decide to do it, it was thrust upon me haha. My best mate when I was 12 years old got a guitar for Christmas one year and I’m pretty sure before he could even play a note, he decided that he was going to start a band and I was going to be the singer. So I just took it from there and it basically became my entire identity, it took me a long time to get actually any good at singing though! Haha. I’ve been thinking back on dif...
Record Reviews and interviews with really cool, underground rock musicians.