Today is the birthday of Roger Keith Barrett, better known as Syd Barrett. The crazy diamond recluse, but also the founder and main muse even after he left the band years later, died of diabetes complications on July 7, 2006. Syd Barrett legacy lives on even know. His quick ascent and descent mentally and otherwise, has created a mystic quality to him. Would he want that? Who knows. I just wanted to share my love and thoughts of him on his birthday. His music is unique, bizarre, brilliant, and catchy. From the entire Piper At the Gates Of Dawn record, to the madcap laughs and Barrett, he still has his own world he creates. Today we should all celebrate his music and his life. His influence is undeniable. A mad genius, but geniuses usually have a touch of madness. Shine on you crazy diamond.
Scimmie Di Mare is the latest full length release from Italian Surf band Atollo13, and it is fun from the moment it starts to the end. Reminiscent of The Eliminators and the Blue Stingrays and The Shadows, there's some groovy and gnarly tunes here that you can dig unless you're a square. Trappistone is the beginning intro, complete with the old vox keyboard and reverb drenched fender guitars in all their Cali sun glory. Such great musicianship here. Linda Linda the first song with vocals, they sing in Italian, but it sounds right. It's a wonderful song. It's crazy to hear perfect top notch surf music with Italian lyrics, but I must say it's better than alot of stuff around today. It sounds fresh out of a pier in the early 60s. Sea Monkeys starts off with discord and a psychedelic moment before grooving into a beautiful dance tune. Any record that encourages fun, or dancing is a good one. These guys completely have it nailed down and tight. I did not w...
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