Call That Girl is the first London album since 1990. The band is still top fucking notch, and the album is fucking incindiary.
The album starts us off in totally classic London sound with Far Away. Melodic, old school, and rockin’. A rippin solo, and even in the cold of winter, this album reaks of california sun and sleaze. Welcome back London, we missed ya and we need ya.
The title track Call That Girl has a total 80s vibe. Sneering,attitude filled with great hooks.
Holy shit this is a rockin anthem. The sexy swagger of Aerosmith and the balls of early Van Halen. This is one helluva comeback record.
I Fell In Love With A Rebel is such a vibey, melodic tune. Wonderful atmospheres. Beautifully dark. With an upbeat chorus, it's such a powerful song. Such A surprising record. It's so fresh but old school. A balance hard to achieve.
Reach Up To The Skies has a slower, almost Dio like vibe. Such a powerful vocal, littered with passion, and then a transcending guitar melody brings on a huge epic solo. God damn…
Metal Nations starts with a tribal drum beat and then a kick ass riff with the good ol D'Priest scream. Great old school metal.
Nothing here not to love.
You Are Still The One For Me has a great groove. Great guitar work and this dirty sleazy vibe. Anthemic and catchy as hell.
Next To Me has a lighter, more fun and upbeat kinda ballad vibe. Its very meaningful and not corny. It's a good song.
Please Give Me A Kiss is a upbeat rocker. It's a catchy fun fist pumper. A great solo to match.
I Am Not Afraid starts off with a Zeppelin like groove. A great vocal. A dark dirty bluesy tune.
Aver Te Sone Aoui(Yesterday I dreamt you here) closes the album in a dark fashion. A chiming and flamenco guitar lines. So sinister sounding. A great powerful song. London of the 21st century. Fuckin aye.
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