Geezer are a trippy doom band injected with the blues from Kingston,NY. Their latest EP Spiral Fires is another great Cosmic Stoner Blues record.
Spiral Fires part 1 starts off with very trippy sound effects reminiscent of Pink Floyd. Very spacey. Then a dirge, raunchy blues riff comes and this three piece does crushing blues similar to that on the first two Black Sabbath records. The groove and the lyrics combine perfectly to create an awesome song. So fucking heavy and spacey. The production is wonderful and raw.
Spiral Fires part Two starts off with the same riff but played quietly with the drums while the guitar is floating and buzzing over by saturn echoing throughout the milky way. Then a amazing atmospheric solo comes through. Sublime improvised vocalizations come in as well, such a vibey tune.
Darkworld starts off with the muddiest guitar tone ever heard as this heavy psychedelic tour de force in all the ills in society. Such a tight band with astral pastels painted sonically in both trippy patterns and blood stains.
Charlie Reefer starts with some Tron like synth as the bass plays some light notes, and some very spacey guitar lines crackle out creating such a light psychedelic tranquility before the riff turns hard and the drums start pounding and the whole band kicks in. A story telling song of propper blues lyrics but the most heavy and acid drenched music available. This band is such an incredible force to be reckoned with and very overlooked in the scene. A huge unique sound coming from three dudes in it for passion and art and music. Absolutely incredible.
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