Dee Calhoun’s upcoming EP A Dream Within a dream creates a dark, tranquil world with deathly cold atmospheres; it’s a voice of anguish and horror in a world that’s gone mad with this Covid 19. A diy project done by ex Iron Man current Spiral Grave singer that is not to be overlooked. The title track is first and it is a musical adaptation of the Poe poem, beautiful, medieval, melancholic, isolating, and ethereal. The atmospheres and different symphonic elements just enhance the despondent isolating mood that flows through the rest of this EP. At The Altar of Venus has a similarity vibe to Planet Caravan by Black Sabbath, that peaceful hazy spacey vibe, which ties into the desolate vibes to this album as well, there is such an atmosphere of gloom it is not overwhelming but almost like a tenderness with the despair. Arm in Arm with the Angels of Darkness is the most upbeat song with a nice bluesy riff and acoustic percussion that just rolls man, while maintaining this...
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